When it comes to drier weather your face probably gets the most attention from moisturizers, serums and toners. But, the skin on your body also needs help. I suggest thinking of your body-care as a skincare coat! It's simple to achieve and here is how you achieve it...

When using any type of water on our bodies know that hot water dries us out, fast. Using just warm water allows for steam for products to penetrate and won't dry you out as much. Also, if you dare do a final rinse with colder water as it wakes you up, makes you feel more refreshed, gets blood circulating and calms irritated prickly skin.
But, before washing utilize a dry brush. The Face It Dry Brush is designed to fit comfortably in your hand, featuring a short handle that allows you to easily access all areas of your body. It effectively sweeps away dead surface cells that can contribute to a crepey appearance.

You'll notice a dry crisscross pattern to your skin and feel a prickly sensation when it's time to use a dry brush. It's uncomfortable skin.
I suggest dry brushing just outside your shower with the water running and steam flowing. On dry skin lightly move the dry brush across your whole body in light circular motions to release the dead cells. When done hop into the shower to wash and rinse for a smoother skin feeling.
*Fun Fact: Did you know that 90% of dust sitting on tables and areas of your house is the dead cells falling off like small particles of dandruff?
Washing with a foaming oil wash!

Now that your dead cells are removed and the warm water is flowing, wash with the right mixture of oils. Keep in mind, when it comes to hydrating your body not all moisturizing body products are the same. Luxe Foaming Oil Body Wash is very different because there are not many foaming oil body washes on the market that hydrate, foam and cleans like ours without an oily leftover residue. Designed to deliver nutrients to your skin of; Jojoba and Grape Seed Oils, Coconut, and Mangosteen, resulting in a delightful mood boosting aroma while getting you softly cleaned...Neurocosmetics at it's best. Indulge in a divine foam that will caress your skin, leaving it suppler and silkier than ever before. Suitable for all skin types, this body wash is guaranteed to bring a radiant feel and smile to your face with every use. It is particularly beneficial for those with bumpy or excessively dry skin. You only need to use about the size of a silver dollar for your whole body.
After the shower...

Use body cream that skin can digest and that isn't harmful to your lymph & immune systems. Luxe Luscious Body Cream is a silky thick skin protectant and hydrator. It wraps you like a winter coat keeping you hydrated and protected. A completely organic, lavish body cream infused with exquisite ingredients sourced from Oregon and Hawaii. Its luxuriously thick and velvety consistency deeply nourishes and revitalizes parched, irritated skin, providing hours of hydration. Not to mention, it can also serve as an exceptional face moisturizer! Treat yourself to this delectable body cream and revel in the opulence it brings, leaving your skin feeling rejuvenated and pampered.
Keep in mind that most body products are made synthetically that either just sit on the skin and evaporate or remain neutral which means it does not penetrate making you go through the product faster. Use products that are made with hyaluronic acid, peptides, active organics and vegetable based kosher glycerin. Your skin will feel and look better without having to keep reapplying as often leaving you with soft supple skin for hours!
Have healthy glowing skin,

Makeup Artist
Nutrition Certified Esthetician